TARMAC Consulting

Based in Canada and serving North America, Tarmac Consulting offers a comprehensive service platform with all-encompassing solutions for overseas companies seeking to expand into the North American market.

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Tarmac Consulting(明途咨询)注重依托强大的伙伴资源和战略思维,提供覆盖出海政策咨询、商业资源对接、金融财税规划、移民规划与企业管理的“一站式”本土化服务。帮助出海企业打造定制化海外拓展集成解决方案。


Tarmac Consulting specializes in providing comprehensive, "one-stop" localization services to overseas companies. By relying on strong partner resources and strategic thinking, the company offers policy consulting, business resource docking, financial and tax planning, immigration planning, and corporate management. Tarmac Consulting helps overseas companies to create customized integrated solutions for their expansion needs.
In addition to consulting solutions, Tarmac Consulting offers a team of top senior consultants in Canada with expertise in personal, financial, and tax laws. The company also provides local support with solid business operation and maintenance. These resources help you to establish your overseas business in Canada from the initial equity construction, capital construction, company structure, HR, finance, taxation, and internal control framework to specific daily operation and maintenance support. Tarmac Consulting provides multi-stage, full-coverage landing services to ensure a successful launch of your overseas business.



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明途咨询宣布携手MNP共建业务战略伙伴关系  -Mar.15th.2023

Tarmac Consulting is thrilled to announce a new strategic partnership with MNP, a national leading professional accounting, consulting, tax, and digital services firm in Canada. The partnership aims to provide overseas companies with comprehensive, one-stop-shop localization services to support their expansion into Canada.

As a fast growth consulting firm that specializes in providing customized solutions for overseas companies, Tarmac Consulting has established strong partner resources and a team of top senior consultants with expertise in Canada. 

MNP, on the other hand, has a proven track record of providing a range of financial and business consulting services to clients across various industries. With over 80 offices across Canada, MNP has a strong presence in local markets and in-depth knowledge of regional business practices. 

Through this partnership, Tarmac Consulting and MNP will combine their strengths to offer a full suite of services to overseas companies looking to expand into Canada. This includes tax planning and compliance, financial analysis and reporting, risk management, HR consulting, policy consulting, business resource docking, immigration planning, and corporate management. By working together, Tarmac Consulting and MNP will provide an integrated approach to clients, helping them to achieve their business goals more effectively. 

"Tarmac's expertise in providing customized solutions for overseas companies is a valuable addition to MNP suite of services. Together, we can offer comprehensive and integrated solutions to our clients." said Iris Duan, former MNP partner and China Service national leader of MNP; co-founder of Tarmac Consulting.

"We are delighted about this partnership with MNP," said Jason Dong and Jason Mi, Co-founders of Tarmac Consulting. "Both companies share a commitment to delivering exceptional service to our clients. By working together, we can bring our complementary skills and expertise to bear on the challenges facing overseas companies expanding into Canada." 

The partnership between Tarmac Consulting and MNP will provide significant benefits to overseas companies looking to expand into Canada. By providing a one-stop-shop for all their localization needs, Tarmac Consulting and MNP will help clients achieve their business objectives successfully in Canada.

明途咨询(Tarmac Consulting)荣幸宣布与加拿大全国领先的专业会计、咨询、税务和数字服务公司 MNP 建立新的战略合作伙伴关系。该合作伙伴关系旨在为海外公司提供全面的一站式本地化服务,以支持他们在加拿大的扩张。 

作为一家快速成长的专注于为海外企业提供定制化解决方案的咨询公司,明途咨询在加拿大建立了强大的合作伙伴资源和顶尖资深顾问团队;MNP 在为各行各业的客户提供一系列金融和商业咨询服务方面有着良好的记录, MNP 在加拿大各地设有 80 多个办事处,在当地市场拥有强大的影响力,并对区域商业实践有着深入的了解。 

通过此次合作,明途咨询和 MNP 将结合各自的优势,为希望进军加拿大的海外公司提供全套服务。这包括税收筹划与合规、财务分析与报告、风险管理、人力资源咨询、政策咨询、业务资源对接、移民规划、企业管理等。

MNP 前合伙人、MNP 中国服务中心全国负责人、明途咨询联合创始人 Iris Duan 表示: “Tarmac 在为海外公司提供定制解决方案方面及专业知识是对 MNP 全面服务的宝贵补充。我们可以共同为我们的客户提供全面和集成的解决方案。” 

 “我们很高兴与MNP 建立合作伙伴关系,” 明途咨询的联合创始人 Jason Dong 和 Jason Mi 说。 “两家公司都致力于为我们的客户提供卓越的服务。通过合作,我们可以利用互补的业务资源和专业知识来应对海外公司在加拿大扩张所面临的挑战。” 

我们相信明途咨询和 MNP 之间的合作伙伴关系将助力更多希望扩展到加拿大的海外公司。




  1. 人力资源解决方案:作为Tarmac的核心业务,我们凭借多年丰富跨国公司人事高管的业务经验,和对当地市场的熟悉和了解,有信心为您提供优质、全面、经济的人力资源解决方案。   
  2. )组织构建设计  
  3. )招聘猎头服务  
  4. )薪资,及激励体系设计  
  5. )薪资外包  
  6. )人事数据系统管理  
  7. )绩效考核方案  
  8. )人事政策、员工手册  
  9. )问题员工处理、劳动纠纷处理、离职及裁员   

在加拿大市场开疆扩土, Tarmac助您一臂之力(公司设立一站式服务)


1. NUANS查名服务;
2. 商标及公司LOGO设计;
3. 加拿大公司注册;
4. 申请商业号码(Business Number),税务号码(GST/HST),进出口税号(Import/Export),工资抵扣税号(Payroll Deductions);
5. 递交省政府要求文件(Initial Notice);
6. 提供完备的公司设立文件(Start-up Package),包括:Incorporation of companyShareholders’ agreement (明确股东权益和管理层结构)Stock option plan 以上文件由我们和温哥华顶级律师事务所根据您公司的情况和本地法律要求, 为您量身打造,并由律师legal review; 
7. 商标审核及注册 ;
8. 银行商业户头设立,公司商业信用卡申请。 尤其为NON-Residence(加拿大非常驻居民)投资人提供海外商业户头的便利服务; 
9. 办公室选址。我们的合作伙伴为加拿大最大的商业地产租赁服务提供商之一,提供专业透明规范的服务。

Iris Duan


Iris Duan, CPA, CA, CPA (California), MBA(California) is a former partner in MNP's China Services team. Iris has deep connections with Chinese companies and clients and acts as a bridge between Canada and China, introducing Canadian businesses to Chinese investors and vice versa. She draws on her extensive background in public and private company financial reporting and due diligence processes in mergers and acquisitions as well as on her experience serving clients from a broad range of industries to deliver customized solutions and advice to help her clients succeed. 加拿大注册会计师,美国注册会计师(加州)),MBA,MNP 明诺会计师事务所资深顾问,曾任明诺会计师事务所中国业务负责人/资深合伙人多年,她带领MNP 的中国业务部门为在加拿大的中国公司和个人提供全面的会计服务。 段虹在加拿大拥有深厚的企业和个人客户基础,客户范围涵盖各行各业,她为加拿大和中国的客户搭建起商业的桥梁,帮助中国客户和加拿大企业寻找匹配的投资对象。她在公司上市、审计和商业并购、尽职调查方面经验丰富,为客户提供定制化的服务,帮助他们完成商业目标。

Jason Dong


20 years MNC senior HRM experience; Certified 6Sigma Project Management Black Belt; MBA(Vlerick Leuven);former HR Director of Caterpilar China, Siemens Industry sector;Expert in Complex labor relationship management, M&A, Start-up, business expansion and downsizing planning and operations in HR function. 20年跨国公司高级人力资源管理经验;6Sigma项目管理黑带认证; MBA;前卡特彼勒中国、西门子工业部门人力资源总监;擅长复杂劳动关系管理、支持并购、业务拓展或业务缩减等复杂情况下的专业人力资源支持。

Jason Mi


CPA(Canada),Jason has more than 15 years experiences to provide professional accounting & operations servcies to more than 200 clients in Canada. 加拿大注册会计师,拥有超过15年加拿大会计师丰富经验,为超过200家的本土客户提供专业的运营及会计服务支持。

  • 211-3030 Lincoln Avenue, 高贵林不列颠哥伦比亚省加拿大