Iris Duan


Iris Duan, CPA, CA, CPA (California), MBA(California) is a former partner in MNP's China Services team. Iris has deep connections with Chinese companies and clients and acts as a bridge between Canada and China, introducing Canadian businesses to Chinese investors and vice versa. She draws on her extensive background in public and private company financial reporting and due diligence processes in mergers and acquisitions as well as on her experience serving clients from a broad range of industries to deliver customized solutions and advice to help her clients succeed. 加拿大注册会计师,美国注册会计师(加州)),MBA,MNP 明诺会计师事务所资深顾问,曾任明诺会计师事务所中国业务负责人/资深合伙人多年,她带领MNP 的中国业务部门为在加拿大的中国公司和个人提供全面的会计服务。 段虹在加拿大拥有深厚的企业和个人客户基础,客户范围涵盖各行各业,她为加拿大和中国的客户搭建起商业的桥梁,帮助中国客户和加拿大企业寻找匹配的投资对象。她在公司上市、审计和商业并购、尽职调查方面经验丰富,为客户提供定制化的服务,帮助他们完成商业目标。

Jason Dong


20 years MNC senior HRM experience; Certified 6Sigma Project Management Black Belt; MBA(Vlerick Leuven);former HR Director of Caterpilar China, Siemens Industry sector;Expert in Complex labor relationship management, M&A, Start-up, business expansion and downsizing planning and operations in HR function. 20年跨国公司高级人力资源管理经验;6Sigma项目管理黑带认证; MBA;前卡特彼勒中国、西门子工业部门人力资源总监;擅长复杂劳动关系管理、支持并购、业务拓展或业务缩减等复杂情况下的专业人力资源支持。

Jason Mi


CPA(Canada),Jason has more than 15 years experiences to provide professional accounting & operations servcies to more than 200 clients in Canada. 加拿大注册会计师,拥有超过15年加拿大会计师丰富经验,为超过200家的本土客户提供专业的运营及会计服务支持。